Was wondering when this would land. I’ve been considering returning to Debian full force but after running Mint for some years some bad habits linger. Maybe LMDE can prove to be a good middle of the way.
For those who tried: how does LMDE behaves when loading any other DE not Cinnamon?
On LMDE 5 I had some problems with multiple wm/de’s but im assuming that’s a large part of what they’re going to fix in this release
I’ve seen some reviews where LMDE being the backup plan for Mint, Cinnamon was the only priority; if that is to change, great. I’m hoping to move to XFCE again.
Hey I haven’t heard of this.
So this is mint based on Debian directly instead of ubuntu?
That’s correct they released it around the time so the Amazon stuff happened if I remember right. Since debian 12 has been so popular and with flatpak and distro box gaining popularity, there’s been a big call for lmde to become the focus.
I will test this tonight. Finally mint will have hardware support for my laptop with high kernel version. I will see if kernel patch for proprietary stuff also works.
Anyone who’s read any fantasy knows not to mess around with the faye. I’ll wait for the next version unless that one’s named Cthulhu.
A Debian version of mint is incomprehensibly based
TLDR: 80s: On crack 90s: Being yourself, cool, swagger 2020s Alt right attempts to appropriate this to mean being an unapologetic douchnozzle