Today, I’m feeling a bit bad about myself. I’m new to cycling, and to be quite honest, I was going too recklessly and almost got myself hit by a car or two. I could absolutely learn how to check my turns better.

What are your favorite tips for learning how to cycle safely in the city?

27 points

The most important thing is visibility. Be where the motorists, and the pedestrians, and the other cyclists, expect you to be. Don’t weave. Don’t stop suddenly, or change lanes without signaling. Don’t ride on the wrong side of the street, or on sidewalks.

The other main piece of advice? Cars are super dangerous, but unless you’re a complete dumbass, most of your accidents will be from unexpected objects in your path. Watch out for potholes, sticks, or slippery conditions.

6 points

Not a biker but omg please yes don’t bike against traffic. I promise you I do not expect a biker coming towards me on the passenger side, especially where there aren’t sidewalks or crosswalks.

(Mini rant: someone did that yesterday as I was waiting at the left arm of a T intersection to turn right down the trunk of the T. Dedicated right arrow, in a dedicated right turn lane. Dude bikes against traffic from the right arm of the T to the left, treating 4 lanes of traffic as his personal invisible crosswalk. One hand on the handlebars, the other waving his cigarette.)

23 points

Confident big city rider here, four tips for you:

  • Be predictable
  • Obey (most) traffic laws
  • Assume everyone is always trying to kill you
  • Don’t leave your bicycle outside
20 points
  • Ride like you’re invisible.
  • Always wear a helmet.
  • Always assume people will do the absolute dumbest thing possible at any given time.

Take these ideas with a grain of salt, I live and ride in a relatively small city, so 90% or more of the time I have no cars near me. But that’s how I rode in college, when I was in a bigger city.

6 points

This is all great advice. I like to warn people not to get close to parked cars. The stationary ones are more likely to door you than the moving ones are to run you over.

19 points
18 points

One tip not listed yet. The best route for a bike might not be the one google maps gives you. There is a 35mph road that is very direct between my home and downtown and seems like the obvious bike choice. The problem is every 2 miles there are on ramps to the highway that makes biking crazy unsafe. I’ve found a completely different route that would take 3 times as long if I was in a car but maybe 5 minutes more on a bicycle and I feel much safer.

1 point

There are new rules in my area where roads that are one-way for cars are now two-way for bicycles. It’s likely Google Maps has a hard time keeping up for adjustments like that, and also can’t account for “unwritten rules”, like nobody on a residential street caring if a cyclist takes the wrong way along their usually-quiet street.

Still, just for scenic reasons I really prefer if I can find dedicated bike paths heading in my intended direction.


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