They put out this shelf and I want it, but I don’t want to seem strange? It would make a nice plant shelf, but it’s not something I can scurry away with, so people would see me while I carried it. Is that a bad thing to do?
EDIT: Never mind. Someone beat me to it. 😭
It wouldn’t be weird, but talk to your neighbour first.
This is totally kosher where I am and I’ve done it before, but if I think I’ll be observed I’ll ask my neighbor. They’ve always responded with some variation of “oh of course, I consider it trash” and sometimes explain reasons they’re getting rid of it that dissuaded me from taking it that weren’t immediately obvious.
I do that all the time. A thing is a thing, and it can be your thing now. I only try to ask myself two things:
- Do I really need that?
- Is it in a good condition? I have a lot of used stuff at home, so if I took something half-broken, it would look like a dumpster already.
Sidenote: I live in Denmark, where people overconsume, and then get rid of stuff which is still in good condition.
I recently moved to Denmark. A lot of my stuff is from the trash, including a huge old school full wood dinner table, TV, and my stereo system (works as a charm, sounds amazing). I also picked up an amazing old cast iron frying pan.
I make sure to check the big thrash (storeskrald) regularly. Things pop up there that I would never have afforded myself if I had to pay for it.
I think Denmark/Copenhagen is a bit crazy in this regard though.
About the craziness - yes absolutely. In most other places, you use a thing until nobody would use it, or sell it online. And here, people are just: “nah…”
Well, better for us. I also have a shitton of good stuff, including half of my clothes (I’m lucky to have size M, so a lot of stuff fits). Second hand stores look weird now: “Whoa, you need to pay for that?”
If you’re sure they don’t want it, take it.
If you aren’t sure, ask, if if they are there, and if they aren’t there, take it and ask later if they wanted it (return it if they did).
There’s no shame in re-using good or even repairable stuff: indeed, be proud.
When I lived in a college town, the last week of May was the best time to get used furniture.
College kids everywhere abandoning all kinds of shit on the greenbelt that they had no way of bringing home.
I’m sure there is furniture in my current home that came from some stranger college kid.
Nice of you to give bedbugs somewhere to live. Good on you.
- you all think I’m serious…? Touchy bunch. Here, I’ll fix it.
Bedbugs are pretty easy to spot. While yes, they’re very good at hiding, they don’t really make it into those hiding spots until the easy spots are overpopulated. Sure, someone could have an infestation and could be vacuuming the easy spots weekly, but I doubt someone would clean their marks excessively without also addressing the problem. Sure, maybe this comment was a joke, maybe you’re serious, but either way, I accidentally became very fucking knowledgeable on bed bugs and what I’ve found ever since then is that people don’t actually know anything about bed bugs. Here I am. Of note, they’re not common near me, probably due to a mix of economic wealth and cold winters preventing outdoor survival.
If you can read text on your phone at the stock zoom level, you can see bed bugs because the adults are almost 1/4" long. Young bugs are pretty small, but you don’t get babies without adults and eggs. Eggs look like white/beige grains of salt stuck to edges. Their feces are brown or black (sometimes red) and look like what a fine-tip marker or thick pen would leave on paper. Individually, hard to see. Realistically, you’ll see clusters. They’ll hide in both crevices close to dormant humans (sheet seams, couch cracks) and higher places in shadow where they can see humans (picture frame edges, headboard corners). They live a long time. Even without feeding, they can survive a year.
There are currently a few pesticides with great results such ass Crossfire. They are certainly becoming resistant, but the more we eradicate wholly in a place, the less we have to worry - just like taking the full prescription of an antibiotic. If you do catch them, you’ll need to be very thorough. Bag your clothes and work through them. Pesticides have a residual effect, but the better you handle the ones you can find, the faster you can end the nightmare.
To wrap it up, just peel back the cushions of that furniture. If you don’t see stains in the easy-to-use but hard-to-clean cracks, you’re probably fine. No one I know has ever had them in dorms, just travel through hostels.
-Franz Kafka, or something
Nah, it was a joke. I literally run a branch for a pest control company. Also for anyone reading, temprid is a great product for treatment. Also add an IGR to the mix. (Insect growth regulator) So they can’t breed which is the real issue in infestations.
The town I grew up in had a college and a university! I don’t think my parents bought us kids any new furniture until my dad built his own woodworking shop. I was a teenager by then!
We always got new mattresses, because NO FUCKING WAY was mom letting us sleep on a used, adult’s, student mattress. (I never knew you could stain them, that way, in those amounts…)
My sister still has a beautiful solid oak desk…