On Netflix it’s just the intro to the show. On YouTube it’s ads. Big difference
I know a lot of people disagree with me on this, but “just” the intro to a show is still an ad.
I absolutely hate ads and I hate “intros” to shows. They are one and the same. I don’t care if I have the option to tap a button to skip the intro (some services don’t even allow this), end of day is I literally pay for “ad-free” content on these services and they still manage to mess that up.
I’m open to hearing why people are ok with these intros while not ok with normal ads.
Because it’s part of the show? What is it advertising? Usually there are some amount of credits. Certainly not ads.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the post. I was under the impression that they are talking about intros/ads to other shows on the same service.
Example: I start a brand new show and I’m immediately hit with an ad for another show on the same service, before I can watch the show I actually selected.
That’s because it is entirely reasonable to want to watch the intro sometimes, while it is never reasonable to want to watch ads.
Even worse are the self promoting ads on platforms that claim to not have ads; such as Apple TV, HBO, and the like.
Right? “Oh here’s an ad of our service that you are already subscribed to and actively using right now”.
I’m surprised nobody has mentioned you can skip the intro instantly but you can’t skip ads instantly
Sometimes, I like the intro. The music, the visuals, sometimes they get you in the mood for the show. Sometimes, I just want to get on with the show. I appreciate having a choice.
I never want to watch advertisments.