Is steam charging for re-installs?
I never get tired of this.
Execs of a company that makes bajilions dollars a year want to buy a new yacht, so they make the most corrupt, greedy, and stupid decision imaginable. There is a mass exodus of consumers who pay these shitty execs in the first place, resulting in losses.
Being an exec is a job even the stupidest motherfucker can do and it shows
This isn’t even the part that’s supposed to make them money. This is investor bait. They announce this and idiot investors who have no idea how this will damage Unity’s userbase jump on their stocks thinking it’s about to earn a lot more money. The CEO of Unity just sold 2,000 shares. He fucked both his company, the industry and his investors for a quick buck.
Rival developer? Please, I’m pretty sure the call is coming from within the house here - this is exactly the sort of thing 4chan would do because a game asked them pronouns or gave them a wetsuit skin instead of a bikini one
“Our telemetry software, which we developed, operate, and have complete control over with no accountability, says you owe us one hundred million dollars. Slaughterhouse time.”
Developers need to stop using Unity AND Unreal. I miss in-house engines.
I miss in-house engines.
Eh, they’re not always a good solution. CDProjekt ditched their own, which led to a lot of bugs in Cyberpunk 2077, to move towards Unreal. Bethesda’s notorious for their very buggy mess of an engine. And people working under EA complained to hell and back about having to use the Frostbite engine for everything.
Go play Farming Simulator or DCS World for 10minutes and you’ll change your mind
And watch games prices/microtransactions skyrocket as every studio making a 3D multiplatform game needs a huge team of in house developers to develop their engine…
Engines have gotten way more complicated since the 2000’s. There’s a reason only a few AAA studios have their own robust in-house engine nowadays