Lots of fun scenarios here.
- Fistfight in the bathroom
- Some rough bathroom sex
- Someone slipped on poop and slammed their head into the wall
I’m not sure which of the scenarios that you imagined would be “fun” but… You do you.
The first one could be fun if its consentual, the second one obviously too. The third is just never fun, you are right.
I find it odd that it what looks to be chip board pretending to be breeze blocks. Whoever punched it is lucky it wasn’t concrete.
I’ve seen this reposted at least 3 times now, and it bothers me each time because we have no idea the story behind it. We only know what’s written down, we don’t even know if the person who wrote the caption witnessed the event. Was it fragile masculinity? Perhaps?
For all we know, guy had just received some horrible/devastating news.
The assumptions leading to both the ‘framing’ act and the gleeful posting of it on social media are just a manifestation of thinly-veiled misandry.
Is it normal to you to see people punch walls when they get devastating news?
I’d rather think maybe someone tripped and fell into it if we’re looking for charitable ideas.
Yes. I once saw an episode of Maury where a man found out he wasn’t the genetic father of his 1 year old daughter, and he started crying and then punching the floor. Is that toxic masculinity or is that a person being sad?
I’m pretty sure punching a wall because your fantasy football league is losing is an unhealthy way of processing anger.
This week I found out I am losing medicade, food stamps and unemployment because one of my previous jobs won’t provide the right paper work. That feels pretty wall punch worthy
I feel you bud. Sometimes life just blindsides you and you need an outlet. I hope things improve for you soon.
Guys point is, we don’t know the why. We only know the what. Sure, I think everyone can agree it’s not the healthiest coping, but I don’t know too many people who choose the healthy option in a state of extreme emotion. Is there ANY scenario you could imagine this being understandable, even if not good or healthy? Lots of people listing scenarios where I could TOTALLY see getting a rather reasonable person into such a mental state.
Looks like some kind of block wall you wouldn’t want to punch. But I guess that’s just some kind of texture?
I thought that too, but upon closer examination it looks like dry wall.
The real question to me is why would you texture drywall to look like concrete.
That is creative!
Very fun depressing fact: some of the anger we witness out in the world can likely be attributed to people being e.g. exclusively fed ramen as a kid.
is it malnutrition or parents not caring and therefore giving them malnutritious foods? Correlation and causation and all
It’s true someone with means and knowledge could do that. Something that’s stuck with me for many years:
An impoverished mom could only afford to feed her kid instant ramen most of the time. Iron deficiency -> behavioral problems. Believe this was from the documentary A Place at the Table (2012).