What software have you found particularly frustrating or difficult to configure on Linux?
Multiple versions, paths, and installs of Python. Using pip makes it worse.
pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv together solves this for me. Virtualenv with specific python versions that work together well with other tools like pip or poetry.
It boils down to something like
$ pyenv install 3.12.7
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.12.7 myenv
$ pyenv activate myenv
and at that point you can do regular python stuff like pip installing etc.
If you’re having to type out version numbers in your commands, something is broken.
I ended up having to roll my own shell script wrapper to bring some sanity to Python.
You misunderstand, the first two commands are just one time setup to install a specific python version and then to create an env using that version. After that all you need is `pyenv activate myenv´ to drop you into that env, which will use the correct python version and make sure everything is isolated from other environments you might have.
You can also just create an env with the system python version, but the question was specifically about managing multiple versions of python side by side and this makes that super easy.
You could also combine it with direnv
to automatically drop you into the correct environment based on the folder you are in, so you don’t have to type anything after the initial setup.
Fortunately I haven’t had to open it in a very long time.
Similar here. I used to have 2 screens that if they turned off for powersaving only 1 of them would wake up. So I had a script on the desktop to do a reset and move them correctly.
xrandr --output HDMI2 --off
xrandr --output HDMI2 --auto --same-as HDMI1
xrandr --output HDMI1 --right-of HDMI2
Installing Fedora. I had almost nothing to configure, it worked out of the box. How frustrating! I had the whole day planned and now what? Enjoy my free time like a pleb !?!
(/s just in case anyone was wondering)
Have you any experience with HDR in Fedora? I’m getting ready to build a HTPC and I’m torn between fucking with Arch for everything, but getting bleeding edge support, or trying Fedora for the first time for easier system management. Since it’s an entertainment system, I’m not sure if I want to mess with all the Arch config requirements. But I do want solid HDR support.
Try Nobara. It’s based on Fedora but it’s got a whole bunch of gaming-related patches including all of the required additions for out-of-the-box HDR support.
Running Fedora with dual HDR monitors just fine, but it’s entirely possible that something is off that I’m not catching. They’re also running off my Nvidia GPU.
I’ll just add that they look the same as when I used to run Win10 on the same box.
That’s great to hear. I’d miss the AUR, but I think I’ll just try Fedora out for this build. I want to play with the computer, not tinker with the OS.
Xserver… Somehow trying to find the magic string of letters and numbers that made your screen work.
Suspend with an Nvidia gpu
I gave up and went back to x11. The final straw was when system settings stopped opening, and I couldn’t figure out why.