Quit World of Warcraft recently Because I couldn’t justify the subscription anymore. It’s been really hard to find a game to put time into and keep my attention. I tried OverWatch 2 but that game is hot fecal matter. Stardew Valley is fun for a little while, all my friends quit though And that’s who I played with. Team fortress is good I guess as well, gets repetitive though. And that game is old as heck…
So I’m like hey, you know what? I’ll try deadlocked, this new early access valve game. Holy crap this is actually fun! It’s like Dota or League of Legends, mixed with OverWatch. Some of the characters even mimic some of the exact mechanics of the game, for example one of the characters has an ultimate ability where you spin around in circles dealing damage to everything, like they copied it off of reaper in OverWatch. But hey, I’m not really complaining, who cares right?
Valve honestly makes some of the best games ever, every time I play one it’s a banger that gets my attention for thousands of hours and this one has been so damn fun. I’m surprised more people aren’t playing it, it’s just crazy how fun it is and how addictive it is.
It doesn’t have skins or ranks. Nothing to hook the addicts into the LiVe SeRvIcE. Just pure fun for the sake of it.
It’s still early access… Valve literally invented the hats economy, you’re insane if you think they aren’t going to add microtransactions to the game 🙄
It’s single player, but have you tried Baldur’s Gate 3 yet? I have around 400 hours in the game. It’s probably the best game I’ve ever played.
Pro tip: use a controller. The experience is much better with a controller.
The controller experience is really well thought through and the game is definitely playable with the controller. That said, I still chose kb+m because I felt like I got a better overview of a situation and the options I had in that situation, but I could see why someone would think the controller option is more immersive.
I’m struggling to enjoy it. Some matches can be enjoyable but more often than not I find it a dull slog.
Theres nothing more boring than being stuck in a game for another 20 minutes when it’s well and truly clear you’ve been getting your arses kicked the previous 20.
Theres nothing more boring than being stuck in a game for another 20 minutes when it’s well and truly clear you’ve been getting your arses kicked the previous 20.
To be fair, you don’t have to do anything. You can hang back if you think the match is a loss or just farm lane and let them win once you think it’s over. This is also how League and Dota seem to work outside competitive, people will just give up if they smell a loss coming.
Dota does too but its fairly hidden and requires unanimous agreement. That said, Dota is far less snowbally, so unlike League or Deadlock, it rarely makes sense to forfet very early.
Want to throw me an invite? I really want to try it, but none of my friends are on it. I stopped playing OW when they jumped the shark and announced OW2. You can only play if you know someone who is playing, right?
Yeah, it’s still invite-only afaik, but there’s no limit on the number of people you can invite, so I found someone in a public discord server who accepted all friend requests and sent out bulk invites. (For anyone else still looking.) I’ll send you a PM with my friend code and get you an invite.