I captured these from a video. It’s a person that I know did not have these on earlier videos. What’s this from?
Here’s another image from same video.
I think it may be too much jpeg.
Maybe post the video link?
Hard to say. Could be performance enhancing drugs or growth hormones combined with other unhealthy behaviour, e.g. not hydrating enough. The blood becomes more concentrated and viscous. This can increase the strain on the veins, making it harder for them to transport blood. Over time, this can lead to the development of venous conditions.
Could be other things too. Illness etc… I’m not a doctor. Just an educated guess on a blurry picture.
Some folks have asked to see the video. I can’t share because I don’t want to entirely violate the subjects privacy. I’m being nosey and your answer makes sense. My question comes from a good place — I’m sorry to confirm there must be a health situation going on.