we can no longer afford the extravagance of having two of them
Anything resembling justice for Palestine is off the table, just courting mythical never Trumpers.
I have a few never Trumper republicans in my life, you know who they voted for in 2020 and plan to vote for in 2024? Whoever the third party libertarian is, or not at all. No amount of moving right will capture these votes, it’ll just depress leftwing turnout
All the republicans I know IRL who don’t like Trump still voted for him in 2016 and 2020. They will likely vote for him again in 2024, saying nonsense such as “I don’t like the guy. But he’s getting things done.”
They will never vote for a democrat. The only thing worse than an incompetent buffoon in their minds are bleeding heart liberals.
People’s problem with Biden is that he’s too far left and radical. Don’t worry, Kamala is correcting course
The Republican: