Boots. The fucking boots. Boots with everything. And those boots don’t fit her at all. They are a wide calf boot and she already said her high arch feet don’t go in easily. So yes let’s wear them more. And let’s pair them with a dress she’s calling a cupcake dress. In gingham.
Good grief!
I truly could not find this dress more hideous and I’d find it hideous on anyone not just her. Like does she really think this looks good or is she just being nice to the brand??? I’m sure we’ll never see it again regardless.
Did Sasha E grow up wealthy?? She comes across as very snobby.
Yes, and she is. There have been some posts about her on the toblogsnarkk page with some people’s experiences interacting with her. She is not a nice person. At all.
Whoever that izzi girl is that was with them gives off entitled rich kid vibes as well. She came home to a grifted LV neverfull bag
I don’t understand the hype behind that izzi girl either, but she has an awful haircut. That’s all I noticed in every photo on this trip. Having a rich family would explain a lot because she has so much designer shit all the time.
More disgusted with her today than ever. Comes home from a week of pampering that she gets to call her “busy career job” and then spends her morning on herself + shilling a 90$ shirt (after 100s maybe thousands of $$ spent on new clothes for a trip) that she gets for free with her tiny body and large edited head. And then when she’s done, her time with her small daughter is……all spent on her phone. So disgusting!
Also giving a side view cuz the real her was shared in photos. An absolute lair and fraud.
AND THEN THERES THIS!!! This is NOT her face, we just saw her face in professional photos. Holy shit how does she continue to get away with this??? God I hate her
There are some mid size influencers the same size if not actually smaller than her with similar heights. I’m a size 4/6 and her face and her body looks smaller than me. I’m at a place where I’m able to differentiate what a tool this woman is vs what my body actually looks like. But I can’t imagine what a mindfuck this is for women who have genuine issues with body dysmorphia and ED.
Why are the people in her life not getting her the help she needs? Is it because they benefit from the money and perks? By no means is she a celebrity but this is seen time and time again with clearly disturbed cash cows families allowing the earner to go completely off the rails mentally. This lady is mentally unwell if she thinks she actually looks anything like the filtered photos that she posts. And if she 100% knows she looks nothing like what she posts how does she reconcile with herself why she is not posting her real self. Living with that much self hate is mentally debilitating as well. No matter which way you slice this lady needs professional help!!!
Like NK, her father, Shane??? None of the care enough to step in? Maybe they do step in and she even denies it with them and uses the angles, lighting, lenses excuse. She’s clearly mentally ill when it comes to her appearance. I couldn’t live with myself or live with someone who thinks this is okay but she clearly has convinced herself she does look like the filtered version of herself imo.
💀 All those trips to Disney and L had zero idea this is Ratatouille.