This is the best anime/manga adaptation I’ve seen tbh. Aside from Scott Pilgrim. IMO they nailed the zanyness of OP and it was just a Hella fun watch
So funny. “Quick announce second season, people didn’t actually hate this one.” - Some Netflix exec probably. We’ve come to see Netflix as serial ruiner of anime and manga so when they actually do something watchable it comes as a surprise.
Absolutely loved season 1 of the live action. I find it very hard to agree with very much, almost any of the criticism. I hope they are able to keep it up for many more seasons.
Someone did mention that they wonder how they will handle Chopper as CGI would likely be too expensive, at least keep him on screen a lot. Be interesting to see how they handle it.
Can’t wait to see Jamie Lee Curtis shine in Season 2
Waiting for big mom 😆