Girlfriend works in childcare and I work in elder care. Fuck me double
Elder care wealth is extracted using service companies as services. E.g. they hire their for-profit cleaning service for astronomical money while their non-profit elderly care facility claims to make no profits. Since the service takes the money and the elder care facility is paying for a known cost (cleaning, supplies, whatever) then they can still claim to be non-profit. The non-profit pays no taxes so they aren’t doubly taxed either.
This is a widely known scheme in the north east, combined with the fact that when it’s inspection time to see staff levels the business owners mysteriously are given a heads up before they show up so they can make sure just enough staff is there. They routinely understaff these facilities because each person there is just another wage to pay.
Bottom line, for profit healthcare is appalling and corruption is everywhere.
I took a few courses about public policy at my university and met with the groups trying to create change. Did a research paper on this topic even.
The ones in the industry know the secrets and the ones in the government turn a blind eye because lipservice and inspections on paper sound great when you’re trying to get votes from older people. They want to believe that when they need care that the providers will be doing the right thing. Sadly, they are not doing the right thing. There’s so much money in it when you’re charging over $400 per day per patient.
Here’s an article that talks about it.
They use nicer words to make it sound less predatory:
Providers have wide latitude in how they utilize MassHealth and other funds, since there are no limits on self-dealing transactions/contracts and no ceiling on administrative costs.
The growth of for-profit ownership in nursing homes, including significant investment by private equity firms and real estate investment trusts, makes it clear that nursing homes are profitable businesses.
A Boston Globe 2014 study of Massachusetts nursing home finances found that many nursing homes directed cash to subsidiaries “…paying million-dollar rental fees and helping to pay executives’ six-figure salaries…”
If you reach out to the authors of that article, including a former state senator, they’d be glad to talk to you about it. They won’t remember me though, it’s been a while. The things that can be said aloud go way beyond what is written down. No one wants to air their dirty laundry but trust me, the nursing homes are generally given a heads up before inspections take place so nobody gets fined and there are no problems. Unless something changed very, very recently.
Hey there and solidarity from the disability care world. We need a damn union, I heard like 25% of the millenials are in human care positions, so I’m hoping we do something soon, we got the people for it.
It seems that they do understand this economy. It’s capitalism.
Two words:
Record Profits
Yeah baby!!
Line goes up, grandpa and kiddo can just go to the crappier nursing home and daycare and you can work a little harder can’t you!?
Now if you’ll excuse me, but I’ve got some senators dicks to suck
The shareholders are the real victims here. Despite being willing to pay their new CEO more than their competitors, the rate at which the company’s profits are increasing is 0.8% less than their competitor’s! Their stock price just took a massive nose dive of $0.08 overnight! Better give the CEO a better incentive package. I’m sure he can replace our QA team with Elon’s new Optimus robots. That might increase our margins and keep us competitive!
It’s as if theres some parasitic force siphoning all those dollars somewhere . . . oh right, there is.
That’s a Nazi dogwhistle btw, Lemmy dipshits who hear something vaguely anti-capitalist and upvote.
Is the dogwhistle the word “consoom”, I take it? Super curious to hear more. I understand dogwhistles but haven’t heard about this one.
But I always got weird feelings from the people on the internet spelling ‘consume’ that way. For instance there’s this guy on YouTube called Luke something who makes videos on Linux and some other open source stuff, but began at some point to seem extremely condescending about everything and misanthropic generally really. Then he had a video that showed a house he bought and at some point you could see his tiny little bookshelf and it was just full of right wing garbage, lol. That and he moved to apparently middle of nowhere because that’s what he decided to spend his sweet doge gainz of what looks like maybe $100k max on, lmao. Super weird vibes. Oh and lots of Pepe the frogs, too, IIRC…
Sorry, ignore my other comment, I think I see you were referring not to “consoom” but the comment it was replying to, and the “parasitic forces,” which I assume is the dogwhistle you meant and I guess is trying to say to those in the know “iT’s ThE jEwS”
Let me guess, you think it’s the “globalists” running everything by which you mean the Jews? Take your Nazi shit elsewhere.
No … I think they mean obviously the bourgeoisie 1% making all the real money while the rest of us fight over the scraps.
You’re being weird calling this Nazi shit. It just isn’t.
The level of anti intellectualism among political zealots is the reason why we are here.
Don’t worry because you are free to exploit people as well! Oh, you’re not exploiting, fucking over, and scamming literally every human being you meet? What’s wrong with you. Maybe you’re just not smart enough to screw people over. /$