Alright so you can have them funding the next generation of nuclear power, which would eventually bring this new form into the mainstream by having them deal with the costs associated with ironing out any issues they have and very likely making it economically viable…
These tech companies can use fossil fuels to power their AI. Like it or not, they arent going to stop developing AI and data centers. They need the power either way. Solar and wind won’t keep up with that level of demand and tech companies know it. So choose. Nuclear, or fossil fuels?
as you will discover if you read, the use case for SMRs is to keep doing coal
Like it or not, they arent going to stop developing AI and data centers.
Well they should. I’m not giving them credit for investing in vaporware nuclear plants when the ostensible plan is to waste all the power on glue pizza recipes.
I wish they at least put that money in real and known working designs available right now so at least when the fad is dead, we can maybe use that power for something else. Or they can maybe have the tiniest decency to unfuck their search engine or whatever.
You’re correct that I can’t stop them from making pants on head stupid decisions, but I’m not going to stop making fun of them.
very likely making it economically viable…
They’re going to fund currently economically nonviable nuclear plants to power their currently economically nonviable genAI schemes? Over the time horizon of 25 years a decade (edit: misread the article) before they scale up energy capacity at all past the rnd stage? Maybe pants on head is too generous.
I’m not crunching the numbers over here, but they must be making money off AI if they’re doing this. I’m sure they have further plans that aren’t public yet.
I’m not a fan of AI, so if Microsoft or Google ends up in a dumpster fire because of all this I will never stop laughing about it. I just don’t expect it.
but they must be making money off X if they’re doing this.
is such a laughable, ridiculous thing to say, like what the fuck dude, where did you get this idea from even
they’re not. chatgpt4 burns more energy than subscription is worth, and that was text only and before that 4o shitshow
but they must be making money off AI if they’re doing this.
They don’t have to be, just the fear of another platform developing the same AI SaaS shit which could drive customers away/make it harder to convince C-level management to up their spending could cause fomo at the people building the AI. similar as with the same with the cryptocurrency/blockchain shit. Think we linked an article talking about things like this here a short while ago.
This is promising. The high energy demands of AI has big tech investing in the field of small modular reactors (SMR).
how do you do, fellow kid. tell me more about the field of shitty muclear reactors (SMR)
Criticize all you’d like. I just think it’s better to let corporations foot the research, especially if it turns out to be a fruitless attempt at progress.
For the non-banned people who think this is a good take. It is not. Corps due to competing with each other keep the research private, which if it doesn’t work out will lead others to do similar research (wasting that time/money again) or they will patent it which causes a slowdown in further research due to all the license payment shit. (Or worse, they go the before patents were a thing way, and keep it all a secret, wasting more time and money).
I am 100% in support of deploying nukes to Google and Amazon
You need to deploy them around the same time else contingency plans have it that everything just boots back up in another region, at least Google. us-east-1 otoh…
Honestly thank god they’re vaporware. Somehow I don’t think we should have startups building actual nuclear reactors.
Thanks for posting this good collection of links. HN has as hard-on for SMRs and as a first-order approximation that means they’re wrong, but it’s good to have something more than vibes backing it up.