Who cracked or repacked it doesn’t make a difference, how much the game itself supports Linux does.
Idk I usually have problem with fitgirl repacs so maybe for Linux are better alternatives
In my experience DODI installers tend to work slightly better than Fitgirl’s on Linux, but keep in mind that different games are compressed with different tools, and some of those tools inherently work better on Linux/Wine than others. The standard Ubisoft compression tool (more accurately it’s called a precompressor) has given me a lot of trouble on Linux, and every repacker is going to be using that same tool. Grabbing clean files and applying a crack yourself is always going to be the most compatible way.
Fitgirl installers usually work on linux, some of them crash but it can be worked around with WINE_HEAP_DELAY_FREE=1 (assuming you’re using a wine build based on valve’s tree). This also fixes a lot of old games crashing due to memory management issues and race conditions between threads.
On steam deck I mainly use dodi repack. From what I heard fit girl often do mistakes in repackages. (If someone is curious I can look for the game I had problem with, from memory that was a simple steamid missing in a crack) The trouble is once a version is out you can’t patch it.
Dodi one work fine. He even have a no unpack version. Do you try to install, unpack on SteamDeck ?
I will try dodi’s version. I’m not interested in playing fps’s on my steam deck. I tried playing borderlands with a controller and it was an awful experience.
Yeah, and in terms of LinuxRulez, you can find their stuff on zamunda.net (use a Bulgarian proxy like nqma.net but keep in mind nqma can be finicky. And you need an account for zamunda. Don’t use a password you’ve used anywhere else, I wouldn’t trust them with it).
there’s a group called johncena141 who do linux specific repacks. They put the windows game in a dwarfs read only compressed archive, and then have an editable layer on top of it where saves and changes get written. The windows games are put into a wine wrapper and then you can run them while they’re still compressed. It’s pretty cool, but can be a bit finicky. Getting dwarfs installed can be a pain depending on your system. I find their stuff can be very hit or miss, but I like that they exist.
Besides that, ymmv with all the other repacks. Sometimes fitgirl works fine for me, sometimes it fucks up completely. Same goes for dodi. though I’ve found dodi to be a bit more reliable on wine than fitgirl.
That’s my two cents on stuff.
Honestly, nowadays I just pick the first thing I find. It’s been a long while since any of them gave me any trouble. Wine has come a long way.