Let’s say I decide I’ve had enough with this whole Federation business and that humanity would be better represented by a Starfleet that follows my particular ideology. Assuming I could get enough people for crew and support, why can’t I start my own Starfleet?
I could replicate ship parts until I have a couple vessels. Go to new worlds and present myself as the official first contact of humanity. I could fly to Vulcan or Bajor and tell them no actually my organization represents humanity.
What’s going to stop me?
What’s stopping me from flying to Spain or India and telling them no actually my organization represents the United States?
the protostar can replicate a whole shuttlecraft so sky is the limit (not really I guess)
ah yes, the SovCit Federation
Nothing. Nick Locarno basically did that, and it ended TREMENDOUSLY WELL. 😉
Granted it was only one ship; the rest were mutinies.
Sisko literally replicated a star ship.
“Explorers” doesn’t contain a single reference to Sisko using a replicator during construction, but he does say, “I want to use the same types of tools the Bajorans had.” He asks O’Brien for a saw, and there are several scenes in which he’s seen welding pieces together.
Pfft, that archaic little sunsail jalopy? Geordi had the same hobby, with the added challenge of bottling his recreations.
Besides, I’m sure some Bajorans would have notes on the cultural appropriation aspect.
(big /s if it isn’t clear from context)
Pfft, that archaic little sunsail jalopy?
More starship than you’ve replicated noob! 😉