Water is not actually touching my skin, due to the nuclear forces…
My body is interacting with the water through magnetic fields
“There are some people who don’t see a photorealistic image in their head when they imagine an apple…”
I have aphantasia, I see nothing, and one more that gets people, I have no head voice/inner monologue.
Is there a community for aphantasia? I wonder if there are any mechanical engineers with it.
I have the ability to not only see designs in my head, but also how they will physically interact and I use that all the time. Without it, I wouldn’t be designing.
“Australia isn’t down under anything, it’s sitting on the side of a big sphere like the rest of us.”
“Did I already shampoo? Can’t remember.”
(Apply a small dab of shampoo. Foams up instantly).
“Dammit, yes.”
I read a bunch of philip k dick books a few months ago, and had a sensation that I’m not actually my current age. I’m actually on my deathbed, dreaming or in a half-wake state, and all my experiences are disjointed half-rememberings of things I might have done. And there’s no way to prove any of it either way.