The Americans maybe? Although in USA but shows few things about USSR.
Not sure either and doesn’t bother me. I doubt there is such tv series with English subs too… neither Chinese nor Soviets would present the system as it was (is).
If you want a fairly recent on the group English perspective then check out the YouTuber Bald and Bankrupt. China is harder as most YouTubers there are paid propaganda. Maybe check out YouTubers laowhy86 and serpentza as they lived in China for over a decade and then had to run. Interesting takes for all 3 above. What I find most interesting is that most of their criticisms can also be levied on their home countries if you can get past the fog.
Laowhy and serpentza are racist dirtbags grifting off all the China hate that’s everywhere in the west. They had to run for a reason, and that reason was that they were and are spreading hate speech.
Katherine’s Journey to the East, Li Jingjing, or Daniel Dumbrill will much more accurately present life in the different parts of China.
Go ask on lemmygrad. Kinda serious.
Assuming you mean the actual Soviet Union, Chernobyl was incredibly well-done.
Wholeheartedly second Chernobyl. It’s an amazing show.
It shows the party dynamics of the decision making process for disaster response and the infighting that results really well. Not too much everyday life stuff but there is a bit.
It’s was well done but deeply disingenuous about the effects of radiation in places. I loved the show, but for anybody else watching, it’s worth realising that it’s very exaggerated in places.
Off the top of my head, for those that are curious:
- The show depicts radiation as similar to a contagion. In real life, once you strip and wash someone exposed to radioactive contaminants, they pose no danger to others.
- The reactor was never in danger of turning into a nuke or rendering huge swathes of Europe uninhabitable. Nuclear explosions only happen under tightly engineered conditions. A big pile of molten reactor slag, while certainly dangerous, can’t turn into a bomb.
However, the utter incompetence of the USSR is very accurate.
The reactor was never in danger of turning into a nuke or rendering huge swathes of Europe uninhabitable. Nuclear explosions only happen under tightly engineered conditions. A big pile of molten reactor slag, while certainly dangerous, can’t turn into a bomb.
The danger wasn’t that it would cause a nuclear explosion, it was that it would melt its way into a large reservoir of water underneath the reactor, instantly turning it all into steam, causing a massive explosion that would fling radioactive material over a much wider area
I don’t know if there was a risk of that happening in reality, but that’s how it was portrayed and explained in the show
Where can I watch that?
Edit: found it, spank you very much. :)
Edit3: why did they kill the dogs? Radioactive?
For a fictional world check out Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.