this is what scares me the most, because I need the money.
Living in your car and on couches sucks. But once you hit the wall, nothing matters more then getting the fuck out of there and never going back.
I save every penny I can in case I have to switch jobs. Or I need a mental health break from this fucked up world i live in. Or i work day by day, month by month, year after year and lose a bit of myself every shift i work until there is nothing left and i lose my shit and quit.
Honestly I wonder why anyone would spend money they didn’t need to unless they had the remainder of your lives living expenses already saved up. You’re spending future rent payments, future food! Why would you spend your rent payment 10 months in the future when you could just not go to that concert? Or go on that vacation. Or buy something that isn’t essential or more extravagant then necessary.
That’s not even your money you’re spending, it’s your landed lords monthly tribute. Its the grocery stores money. Its the car repair shops money. Its the gas stations money. Its the power companies money. Its the awful internet service providers money (fuck you centurylink).
You just don’t know it yet. Or maybe deep down you do know it, and you pretend otherwise to delude yourself that you live in a free country. Doesn’t seem free to me. In fact it’s expensive as hell.
Rent is due in 4 days by the way.
Nope. Because I practice healthy financial habits.
Don’t quit, slowdown, make them fire you, collect unemployment and get a better job
Bad advice for a toxic workplace. That’s just going to ruin your mental health.
I see that in the bad spots, though – people are looking but not landing a new post, so they cope by doing the minimums, peacing out on the dot and getting their sleep. They no longer care about the success of the company, and while that’s admirable, it’s a social issue to abandon the tribe and it can eat on people.
I’m so happy when they land a new post, happier still if I do before I just … stop going. And that’s what I do: I lose interest in going if I can’t find a new post within the year I usually allow (I’m picky).
This last move I told my boss he had a year. It was like 13 months.
He works hard for the money.
So hard for the money.
He works hard for the money, so you better fire the subordinate employee
Toxic jobs really take a toll on your health, especially if you feel trapped in them. Looking for a new job is really a full time job on itself, it can be hard to do so while already working a full time job. If you feel your job is toxic you should start looking for something new right away - whether you’ve given notice or not. I’ve ended up in the hospital twice from the toll toxic jobs that I felt trapped in took on me. Another thing you can consider is diversifying your income. Ie, a “side hustle”. If you have more than one income stream you won’t be quite as trapped. You also will have something to help buffer the transition between your real jobs.