- I’ll go back to the golden years of life before everything became political and people visited one another and knee how to speak their minds.
1988 and see the Berlin Wall (from the west obviously), travel through ghost metro stations
I was in West Berlin in 1981, we had a picnic by the wall and rode the metro through the ghost stations. Which were a bit meh to be honest. You had to change a certain amount of currency to visit the east and we couldn’t afford it, so we just stayed in the train and went back again.
We hitched to Berlin, and the freakiest part was driving through the corridor that linked West Berlin to West Germany.
I’d go back a few million years whenever fish decided to crawl onto land and yeet them back into the ocean.
I’d go back 30 seconds before you hit submit on this question and take your keyboard away from you.
Seriously, this is a comment that’s essentially “waaa I didn’t like this” which has been posted by toddlers, argued by narcissists, fantasized and written about in countless comments and displayed in posts and videos around the planet.
What on earth did you think this comment would add to the fabric of society?
You know you could have just downvoted and moved on. Instead you chose to suck the fun out. You’re a fun-sucker.
Every party needs a pooper and I guess that poopers you. Party pooper
The word you’re looking for is “curmudgeon”.
What I was actually trying to do is encourage a discourse that furthered society, rather than rehash a trope such as the one found at the source of this thread.
I’m not confident that this will actually eventuate here, but I’m hopeful that someone will pleasantly surprise me.
tips fedora. Ah, a fellow articulate. I too galavant through Lemmy in search of stimulating discourse. Unfortunately, I am met with conversation that is most superfluous. Heh. You’ve probably correctly surmised my IQ is higher than most.
Good luck fellow intellectual. Let us further society.
Seriously, this is a question that’s essentially “What if?” which has been debated by philosophers, argued by historians, fantasized and written about in countless books and displayed in libraries and museums around the planet.
so therefore no one should ever be interested in the topic ever again lmao what. Take a breath dawg, chill, it’s ok for people to converse on the internet
Trans and disabled, so that limits my options a bit.
I think I’d just go back to 2011 and just vibe.