Do computers even benefit from rest, or it’s just some boomer delusion?
A thousand refrigerator psychers must be sacrificed so the frig emperor can live on in perpetual conflict with the gods of chaos: Frigidaire, whirlpool, Samsung and Slaanesh!
We’ve had a GE fridge that’s probably older than about 10 years. But you know, it’s complicated enough that it feels like it’s made to fail at some point.
Well, stuff stopped cooling but all the lights were on and everything else worked. It was really weird. We were thinking it might be a dead compressor or something. Crap, do we need a new fridge?
Nope! What basically amounts to a glorified computer fan with a fancier proprietary plug does all the work of distributing that cold air through the rest of the unit.
The proprietary plug is totally so they can sell it for $45, of course. Lol anyway, works like new!
Also get a dust mask and vacuum + blow out the back of your refrigerators, people. They get grooooss!!!
Ya. That black server fan in the frig is very common for the model of frig…also the little white resistance sensor on the coil tends to fall off of the tube sometimes causing it to defrost poorly. I like to swap them out when I’m doing the fan as a prophylactic.
The reason they use that fan is because it’s super quiet and voltage can be regulated to it for different spin speeds which I turn is supposed to save energy.
The issue with the fan in and of itself is that it’s inherently an aftermarket fan produced by an aftermarket manufacturer for GE. It’s just junk.
Funny thing, when I moved in, my last apartment had a refrigerator that was made in Yugoslavia. It died.
Fridges actually do rest. They cycle on and off as needed to maintain their desired temperature and on average only spend about 30% to 40% of their time “on”.
I only found this out the other night because my fridge went dead silent for a long time. I thought it was borked, so I was peering deep into the freezer when I saw The Gates of Hell through the grate.
(Okay, so full disclosure, I had smoked some pot, but it totally looked like when Dana opened the fridge to Zuul before she was The Gatekeeper.) 😱😱😱
Anyways, turns out it was in defrost mode (which happens twice a day), and that involves some elements going orange or something. I know that’s vague-- I looked it up, but as I mentioned, I was high, so I only kinda remember, lol.
The refrigerator activates a heating element located near the evaporator coil. This element warms the coils, causing any ice buildup to melt.