Oh yeah!? Well I’M thinking of how MESSED UP it is to think about how other people are thinking about other people’s rates of masturbation in November!
That’s like voyeur voyeurism. SICK behavior. TWISTED
I’m with Vader on this one
I don’t know, man, I think I could last an hour, maybe even two, before all the skin fell off. Even with the best lube, you’re gonna do some damage for 720 hours straight.
How to make young men angrier? Tell them a healthy amount of maturation (7 to 21 times a month according to Google but usually just when you feel like it is fine) is unhealthy and to stop for a month. No air November up next!
The thing is, it originally was part of 4chan’s impossible challenges, which did include no air april and no shit september. 9gag users tried to claim no fap november (as it was known originally) was to raise awareness of men’s issues like prostate cancer and mental health stuff, which was false.
i think there is a real issue with porn addiction. I varies by the person but I have met people who have serious issues.
I think it is all very personal. Do what you want to do. No one will know any different as chances are you aren’t doing in for an audience.
I also think the porn industry has questionable ethics.
I think there is a real issue with porn addiction. I varies by the person but I have met people who have serious issues.
I think it is all very personal. Do what you want to do. No one will know any different as chances are you aren’t doing in for an audience.
I also think the porn industry has questionable ethics.
No nut is so dumb. Imma cum allll over the turkey, try and stop me
Are you gonna fuck the fear turkey? Transport your ultimatum to the pope by messenger pigeon perhaps?
That reminds me of this scene