If you never lived where it snows and were moving North to where it does snow, what would you have liked to have known? What would you do to prepare?
Watch out for freezing rain as the sidewalks become scary.
Im addition to the other tools to dig your car out, fill a large sealable bag or jug with a mix of sand and road-salt and leave it in your trunk/boot. If you end up haveing trouble getting traction when you start the car on a hill or have to get up a small lip around your tires, throw the mix under the drive train tires to help get you out of the hole.
Find an empty parking lot before it snows. Verify there are no obstacles in it or find a large area with no obstacles. Wait until it snows. Hit that bitch up and learn about how your car handles and how to recover when you fuck up.
Make sure to bring a shovel and maybe some boards or whatever others suggest in case you get yourself stuck.
My wife and I were once at a day long event a few hours north and it snowed pretty heavy. Didn’t even think about the car until we walked up to see the tires almost completely covered. It was late and the whole town pretty much shut down, so all I had to use was a window scraper.
Definitely keep a shovel in the car.
Don’t dive in head first, it will break your neck.
Stack up on basic meds for when you catch cold. You’re likely to have it a lot, it’s kinda normal.
Also, if you’re gonna live in an area with central heating, make sure heaters in your home are fully operational and don’t need to have air removed. They should be hot all throughout their surface.