There’s one thing you guys are missing, yes it’s stupid but it also doesn’t have a memory. It cannot play hangman with a word it doesn’t really know. If you ask it to pre-select a word and keep it in chat then it plays fine
“Pick a number, any number.”
“It’s between one and three, not including one or three.”
“Yes, the number I was thinking of was the letter M.”
Classic case of “that’s not what LLMs are made for”?
It indeed is one of these cases. Individual letter recognition doesn’t work well, since they tend to be clumped up into larger “tokens”, which then can’t be differentiated anymore. That’s also the same reason why it can’t count the letters in words, It sees words as just a single, or at most three “tokens”
That sounds like something a parent would do to a child to make the game stop lol