Does anyone not?
Yes but the people you work for probably feel like that too.
Yeah pretty often. It goes even further, as in, I don’t want to participate in society, or forced capitalism, in general. I’m aware I’m part of it but I always tried to not be a part of that shitty system. I’m not buying a house, no car, no gas to buy, no superior education, no certifications or high paying job. I just wasted my “potential” and will continue to do so.
To me it looks like a big chuck of people have some sort of Stockholm syndrome towards capitalism and how our society makes us think this is some sort of meritocracy.
That being said, my behaviour can also be linked to my spicy brain. I’m probably neurodivergent but the health system where I live doesn’t help adults with that.
In short, I’m disappointed by what I see around me and I don’t want to join the game. I don’t want to join the competition of poors against poors
Your premise sort of resembles the plot of Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged, but she thought the people who made the world work were all CEOs and captains of industry so she made them all heroes. Because of numerous socialistic policies by the government they all go on strike and withhold their “genius” from the world until it falls apart.
So, like if the mythological Atlas (who supports and holds up the world) shrugged his responsibility and walked away from the world, the world falls.
Obviously, as we all witnessed during the COVID pandemic some of the lowest paid people in society are actually the essential workers. So, Rand had it wrong…but her idea of going on a strike to watch the world fall apart is right, it’s just that she selected the wrong group of people.