We hear about the freakouts, the verbal lashings, the accidents and many more.
But what are some small things, things that have little consequence but are still infuriating or that drive you up the wall?
Here are some examples of my own:
- People flocking to the metro doors without leaving proper space for people to leave.
- Hearing the same 3 questions at work every time.
- People walking slow enough to pass but not letting you.
Doesn’t matter how many times I do laundry, my clothes still get dirty :(
Grains of sand
That innocent people will die due to selfishness and bigotry. And that it is decidedly ok.
When people use “different” with a preposition other than “from”. (Different to, different than)
I know it’s not technically wrong, but it just feels so wrong.
Also, when people add a phantom R between two words. “I’m a big fan of cinema ‘r’ and video games.”
Both stem from me not being a native English speaker, I think.
Cars going into the pedestrian crossing area at red lights