Hi folks, I’m looking for a VPN with port forwarding capabilities for some very basic torrenting. https://www.top10vpn.com showed up in my search with interesting articles and VPN provider info and evaluations. I just wonder if their tips are trustworthy or if they are completely beholden to someone.
No. Stay away from these sites. They’re only reason to exist is because they have builtin their promo-code into each “try this vpn” button. Giving them a cut of whatever you end up paying for the vpn service. These promo deals that these vpn companies have going are also incredibly lucrative for those promoting them, often giving them 20-40% of the cut.
I think this is unfair because their articles are low quality and often just copied from other sites.
There are mainly 3 vpns you should consider:
- MullvadVPN.
- ProtonVPN.
I haven’t heard of that one, but personally I would recommend mullvad or Proton VPN
Top10VPN is not a VPN provider, it’s a review website. Neither Mullvad nor Proton support Port Forwarding, AFAIK.
privacyguides.org is better.
That’s a site for sponsored VPNs only. Be aware of those sites.
For torrenting you can use almost any vpn, would recommend to you PIA (not in the privacy perspective only for torrenting)