I have played Eve Online so many hours, and it’s a bad game. Don’t do it. you will spend hundreds of hours dreaming about the cool thing you’ll do later, but for 99% of players the cool thing will never happen. You will be part of the one percent’s cool thing.
Do you have a similar game?
League of Legends
I really wanted to get into MOBA games, the idea seem really cool. But every one I’ve tried the meta/community seem infuriating.
I play Blizzard’s MOBA, Heroes of the Storm, every now and then.
Similar to most others, the community can be toxic as fuck, but the “vs AI” mode is fun enough to keep me coming back.
Yep, this is mine. And I have barely any time in compared to serious players. But when it was first becoming a thing I think I probably put in 50+ hours playing with my friends. As someone who primarily plays single player games this is a lot. Then I realized I hated every minute playing, and it was making me hate my own friends. It was actually stressful to play. I would be angry after ever play session. So I quit.
Fuck League of Legends. It’s shit and no one will convince me otherwise.
it was making me hate my own friends
Yep. Other games it’s easy to brush off a mistake and laugh about it. Just something about this one (probably the massive time investment and amount of attention required for every game) had us seething at each other… I played for 10 years and probably played less in those 10 years than most of my friends I played with did in their first 2… Lol. I liked team fight tactics, but blizzard did it better in my opinion. And they removed Dominion. Was the only game type that was worth playing. .>
My dumbass ex-brother-in-law is deep in the process of losing his wife and two kids largely because of his EVE Online addiction.
I can see it, I played a lot, but I never lost my job over it.
But there were folks that were on no matter what, and as time has gone on the micro transactions have only gotten worse and more aggressive. So it’s easy to imagine that those folks who were on 24/7 were burning whatever money they had on the micro transactions.
The high of the really good things happening felt SOO good. Like pulling off the perfect heist/ambush felt so good it pulled you through another 50 hours of grinding on the amount of adrenaline and endorphins you would get after that 5 minute victory.
I’ve only ever been a miner, and not a moon miner, but like the kind who goes to .4sec and just tries finding the most valuable ore… I know there is a huge pvp and pve scene, but like, where can I find it? I’ve also never been a multi boxer, so I have one character who over the course of 7+ years has trained every possible thing, and i have no idea what to do with that, besides maybe joining for a week and strip mining before gettin burnt out
How you were unable to find those is shocking to me, as they are everywhere. But I’m not going to tell anyone how to better find the good bits of eve.
Skyrim. The writing is horrible, I can’t remember the name and personalities of more than 5 NPCs, the town’s are microscopic, it can’t handle more than 5 NPCs on screen, all the dungeons are theme park rides with gift shop exits, combat is a horrific sloppy mess, it’s ugly, it has 4 voice actors, it’s a buggy mess despite being released 37 times, the only way to interact with the world is violence, and all of the quests are flaccid boring murderfests.
I’ve played hundreds of hours.
Call of Duty. And any other game that makes you pay more money (after you’ve already paid for the game) for loot boxes that are basically gambling for kids.
I can’t stand the state of modern games. They arrive broken, have pay-to-win models, and promote an unhealthy dopamine cycle of gambling and addiction.
I played a shitload of COD4 with friends in college. I think I played MW2 briefly and then basically dropped COD.
When I bought a PS5 I was looking for games with PS5 versions to show off the graphics and thought hey, why not get back into COD? So I bought Cold War.
The multiplayer menus and lobbies are damn near indecipherable nonsense. There is so much spam and shit I can’t even see what I should do to play the game. It’s a sad state of affairs how things are now.
It makes me sad to say it now because I used to love it so much, but Destiny.
It’s just a micro-transaction shadow of its former self now.
I’ve lost interest in the game, but in terms of bang for your buck entertainment, I have no regrets for the money I’ve spent on Destiny. Even at 100 bucks a year for the most recent expansion and all the seasons, it still feels like a deal to me, but I’ve never spent a dime on the cosmetics and that may not be the case for others.