“Why should I break my head about the outside world? Let the outside world break it’s own head!”
“He’s right. As the good book says, if you spit in the air, it lands in your face.”
“Nonsense! You can’t close your eyes to what’s happening in the world.”
“…He’s right.”
“He’s right, and he’s right, they can’t both be right.”
Sometimes a point is well made even if I disagree with it, the conclusion in it or disagree with the path it suggests whilst agreeing with the objectives.
It’s like how in Politics in better times (or less adversarial countries) one might respect a political oponent whilst disagreeing with them.
There’s also a trait in some cultures were people tend to try and poke holes on other people’s ideas and point out the bits they find incorrect, not because they’re against it, in disagreement with it or to put down that other person, but to try and help improve that idea even further - in other words, genuine constructive criticism. A downvote isn’t constructive, and sometimes people deserve an upvote for trying or for how far they got, even if the end result could be better.
For me:
Upvote = worth your time to read
Downvote = not worth your time