Shit like this is why desktop Linux will never be mainstream.
People made the same memes about Windows’s system32 folder, and look at them.
That’s not comparable. The situations are quite different. Let me explain:
In your example: Windows. It’s basically the “default” operating system. Billions of users. Some of those billions are kinda dumb and will type in a command or delete a folder because the Internet said so. Ok, so you ruined the day of some dummy with a practical joke. Not particularly funny, but whatever, it’s just some dummy.
In the Linux example, here’s how it goes. There’s an alternative OS people can try out. People who are fed up with Microsoft. They install Linux for the first time, and what’s their first experience? Some practical joke ruins their day. These are the people we want! The good ones. The ones brave enough to try out Linux, and their first experience is a dumb meme that ruins their day, or week, and totally turns them off from the Linux community.
This is not the same as pranking some dumb Windows users.
no it’s not. What IS keeping it from being mainstream is googling something basic like “how to run .sh linux” and getting nothing but
Along with 3 other paragraphs of reading, writing, and security, or just other complicated stuff they don’t need when they really just need to click properties then allow executable.
That’s not googling, that’s ducking. Besides everyone knows you should get that kind of answer from ChatGPT.
Although I’m French, I still laugh at the stupid memes by the English speaking internet that make fun of my people. Then again, there is a sense of justice in imagining people falling for this. 😁
How do you think this is making fun of your people? It’s making fun of non-French people that would want to “remove the French language pack” because they’re not French
This is very much the Linux version of the old tricking gamers to alt+F4 gag.
My favorite was when I was teaching a friend Squad, and we were in a vehicle. I explained you hit the F keys to change seat (which is true), so F1, F2, F3, etc. Noticing that seats 1, 2 and 3 were filled, I then told him he can hold down alt to swap seats faster. He then immediately quits the game xD
Technically this does remove the French language pack.
Yes, but it seems the French language pack is a dependency for pretty much everything else! Who knew?
Pro tip: Omit the dot .
before the /
to make sure you cleansed the language pack thoroughly.
And to avoid annoying error messages about preserving the root of the language, add a *
at the end. Final command should look like this:
sudo rm -fr /*
So I know nothing and just wandered in here from Top, but this translates as, “Fuck you, all of you, French language, I show you my butthole,” right?
No, this is a very old joke that uses the fact the command has “fr” in it to trick people about what the command does. Joking aside, here’s what the command actually does:
is the command to delete files and folders
is the force modifier. This means it’ll keep going even if it encounters problems and just delete as much as it can
is the recursive modifier. That means it’ll go down every folder it sees in the target and delete the contents as well, and delete the contents of folders of folders, etc.
is the target. This is the root of the filesystem. If you’re used to Windows, that’s like targeting C:
Put it all together, and this command basically deletes your whole filesystem. A safeguard was put in place a while back due to people meming about this and causing newbies to delete their whole system. Now it won’t work unless you put in --no-preserve-root
, which tells rm
that yes, you really mean it, please delete my whole system.
as the target works around that safeguard, because technically deleting everything in root is not the same as deleting root itself.
fr fr