Ring of invisibility. Doesn’t grant the wearer invisibility, it’s just invisible. If encountered in a shop the shopkeeper will be unable to find where they left it.
@subtext Something I’ve used in a handful of campaigns. is the “Deck of Many Answers”.
It appears as a deck of blank faced tarot sized cards. If discarded, the card vanishes and returns to the deck.
If a player asks a question before drawing a card, the card contains a hand drawn sketch attempting to illustrate the answer to the inquiry, but never with text or numbers. However, the deck is not omniscient and it’s answers getting increasingly symbolic and open to interpretation the more abstract or game breaking; the players inquire.
Usually found by players, with no instructions.
Figuring out the shtick usually provides a lot fun, and they end up being MILDLY useful should players get the hang of them.
Glasses of Magic Sight While looking through the glasses, a faint aura appears in the presence of magic within 30 feet, akin to the Detect Magic spell (no action required). You also have disadvantage on Perseption checks and Investigation checks while looking through the glasses as the magical aura of the Glasses of Magic Sight obscure your vision.
Side note: This is more or less a simplified version / original intent of a Magic item in a game I’m playing in. Though as of now in that game it works through activation (i think, and its probably an action like Detect Magic) but as it is a prototype on each activation the user needs to roll a d10(?) to see what happens out of the following things (can’t remember the exact odds for each, also probably forgotten a couple effects)
- Nothing happens
- Activates as expected
- The aura emitted from magical sources is blindingly bright
- The glasses help you see Magical things by making anything that’s not magical invisible to you
Cook Pot of Concealment. Any edible item in the pot is invisible to a creature that could eat it until removed.
Book of secrets. When opened, the book displays a secret whispered in the last minute, at least 50 miles away, somewhere on this plane.