Hehe, surprise! But not to me. I’ve heard clones of his voice even before Scarlett Johannson sued OpenAI… David Attenborough narration was amonst the first memes generated with that technology.
Here we see a David Attenborough being played back his own voice. Agitated, he vocalizes his displeasure. Once confronted again by his own voice, he retreats back to his home and refuses to comment further.
Sucks but it’s an issue that will never be resolved, and his voice will be used against his will going forward. Also notice that YouTube videos have the John Walsh voice as well, feels like I’m watching America’s most wanted
It’s being reported the cloned voice is being used in news reports on YouTube channels such as The Intellectualist on issues such as the Ukraine-Russia war and the Donald Trump.
Speaking of AI, seems like this article was written by it as well.
Weird why would someone who’s livelihoods is their voice be “disturbed” by this stuff?