Hi there,
I’m wondering if I could get some advice on why my prints are always failing at 0.2mm layer height
Attached is a pic, the first layers are perfect but as it gets to layer 3-4 I the print does not stick to the previous layers!
Printing at 0.1mm is absolutely perfect, first layer is perfect etc (in my opinion)
Just wanted to have the option for a 0.2mm height so the prints don’t take as long.
Printer is Kingroon KP3S Pro V2 with Klipper Slicer is OrcaSlicer
I can share configs from either if needed, or more close up pics.
Is your filament dry? Less than 40% humidity? This happened to me with humid filament
Ah really! It could be possible it’s too moist - It’s been out a month or so. I’ll have to invest in a filament dryer. Appreciate the reply
No need to get a purpose built dryer actually. Your heated bed will actually do exactly what you need. Flip a plastic container upside down over the bed with your filament underneath, set the bed to ~50-60C for PLA, and let it go for a couple hours.
You may be heavily underextruding on your 0.2mm setting, if it works at 0.1mm. Since the printer depends on extruding the right amount of material to build up to the nozzle tip, if you underextrude it won’t build up high enough, and that 4th or 5th layer won’t be close enough to the nozzle for the new plastic to be pressed down into it and stick.
Bump up those extrusion rates, slow down the movement feedrates, and make sure your nozzle and extruder motor are all clean and not slipping.
That’s a good point - I remember calibrating the extrusion multiplier for 0.1mm but not for 0.2mm, never thought that larger layer sizes would need independent calibrations!
Yeah, extruder scaling is not perfectly linear, as you scale it faster the plastic slips more on the drive rolls, the heat input increase means the melt rate will not be perfect, and you have to fight the viscosity of liquid plastic.
Brilliant, thanks for the insight! Hopefully orcaslicer has a multiplier for each layer height - not just per filament
Would bumping up your printing temp do anything?