*edited post title to make it clear that this is a joke
POS systems including tip requests really piss me off. We recently discovered a great local restaurant and we order food from them (and pick it up, to take home) a few times a month. They have one of those POS systems and it really irritates me to have to tap ‘No Tip’ in plain view of the cashier every time. We’re picking up food; I’m walking up to a counter, collecting a bag, swiping a credit card and leaving. Why the fuck would I tip for that? I don’t tip at the grocery store and cashiers there do the same amount of work.
As a bartender, if someone is picking up a to go order it’s expected that they won’t tip.
Most places mark Togo orders such that the staff aren’t tipping out on them (for obvious reasons) so it shouldn’t make a difference to the worker that they didn’t get a tip on it.
Why the fuck would I tip for that?
Because many restaurants split tips with the back end, and, well, somebody made the food.
Sure, and theoretically that’s covered by the price that was listed on the menu. If it’s not, it’s the restaurant’s problem, not mine. Fuck that noise, seriously.
it’s the restaurant’s problem, not mine
But you’re supporting the restaurant. You’re keeping the system afloat.
Restaurants need to pay their staff a living wage instead of expecting patrons to subsidize the owners’ greed.
It’s also a matter of trust … we’re handing off money to a restaurant that will pass on the amount to the employee or employees … who decides who gets it? do they share it? do just the waiters get it? does the owner get a cut? do the kitchen staff get some? is it shared equally? Do they add up everything at the end of the day? end of the week? end of a shift?
Some places are good and fair with distributing tips but some places aren’t and no one ever gets to know what any one does with the funds.
By the logic, i should pay tip for every item i buy, it is produced by somebody in a factory somewhere.
Or you should stop visiting restaurants that ask for tips entirely.
It’s not like the waiter is doing the majority of the work for your meal when you sit down.
The costs of goods and overhead like employee wages should be included in the price. Raise your prices to what they apparently should be instead of begging your clientele to help give your employees a living wage out of the goodness of our hearts. Such a system only punishes the considerate by milking them of their cash (likely more than they wouldnif your prices were corrected) and rewards the assholes by artificially deflating their prices.
I worked at many restaurants when I was in college and only one of those many split tips. It’s far from a universal rule.
POS: “Please tell the cashier.”
Me to the cashier: “This place needs to pay you a living wage. Let me know if you and your coworkers need help setting up a union.”
A lot of establishments force employees to put tips into pooled tip jar, which the manager distributes. Maybe they are fair. Maybe they keep a chunk for themselves.
I’m so used to telling homeless folks I have no money that I’m pretty sure I can look the barista or whoever straight in the eye and say “No tip.”
Actually kind of fucked society pushes us to that point, huh?
I really almost never have cash on me anymore so my soul is unburdened. I sometimes do charitable acts but it rarely involves giving money to people on street corners. That’s just a 9 to 5 for a bunch of them.
I always carry cash, but it’s in unreasonable denominations (usually $100 and a $50), and it’s only there “just in case” (i.e. lost my phone and need a cab home, and my credit cards aren’t working). There’s no way I’m giving $50 to a homeless person, I’d rather donate to a local shelter instead.
That said, if I have the time, I’ll offer to take them to get some fast food. They can tell me about their life story, and I know they can’t use my money to buy drugs.
Over the last six months or so, I haven’t tipped once in any establishment whatsoever. I decided it was a cancerous practice and people deserve to be paid what they’re due.
so you just go out and eat without tipping
No, I haven’t been out to eat in over six months.
I’m Mexico a customer was beaten to death for not paying a tip. WTF, they killed a person for not paying like 5 dollars
Yeah that’s when I’m hitting cancel.
Usually it isn’t the store pushing this, but Square itself. They take a percentage of each transaction so they naturally want to make the charges as high as possible.
As someone who uses square at our business, you can indeed customize it a little bit. Though I’ve never seen the “talk to a cashier button.” Ours says custom tip where someone can place a zero $$ tip as well.
But to the point of square taking a cut… The entire amount (including tip) has a percentage taken by square… So they do want you to have as big a transaction as possible because they make more money.
Yeah, we make POS systems and were asked for tipping functionality on the card machines as soon as we started selling to restaurants.
Recently we also added it so you can record cash tips as well, rather than them just being pocketed. Optimistically, this is so it can be shared more equally between staff rather than just giving it to the pretty girl who takes your money. Realistically, the owner is probably taking the lion’s share.