I would have believed this was satire, if the story wasn’t linked.
Injured cyclists can’t sue province under amendment to new Ontario bike lane bill, NDP says
The shit in Bill 212 is bonkers. The biking stuff is less than a page among a dozen or so. It’s a shitshow from start to finish.
This video explains everything in the bill. I think the bike shit is a distraction. It’s supposed to be upsetting, it’s supposed to seem like they don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. It’s constructed that way so we don’t pay attention to everything else.
So if I’m understanding correctly:
Doug Ford is using bike lane removal as a distraction, to bypass criticism of the parts of the bill that bypasses oversight and accountability, in order to build the bypass that bypasses Toronto’s overcrowded bypass?
@veeesix @GuelphOnTwoWheels utterly shameful isn’t it??
Honestly it’s comical in how transparently malicious it is. This dude fucking hates spandex or something. Maybe he can’t ride a bike
Bro is straight up named after a car 💀
Shit like this should be immediately considered an admission of guilt, and treated as such in court.
Could they say “we know this is a bad idea and are absolutely to blame” any louder?