It was on my list because of the soundtrack, so when I didn’t hear the iconic track at all during the movie I looked it up.
Turns out that there is a re-scored version with a completely different soundtrack, and that was the version we got…
. Featuring an exclusive new soundtrack curated by Zane Lowe.
I will be watching this movie again next weekend, with the proper soundtrack
I watched the movie Hush, a horror movie about a deaf woman, on mute without knowing until after it was over. I thought it was a really creative artistic choice
I had something similar with a download of Eraserhead. The audio was corrupted, the best way I could describe it is running water with a ton of reverb slightly chopped. I thought it was an interesting choice and the ambience definitely matched the black and white industrial atmosphere. 30 minutes in, I realized it was a bad copy when someone finally spoke.
I spent longer than I care to admit waiting for David Bowie to show up in Pan’s Labyrinth, does that count?
I watched the first half of “Nightcrawler” before I questioned why Jake Gyllenhaal didn’t have a German accent and the X-Men where nowhere in sight.
I watched 90% of a movie with “narration” turned on, and thought that “this movie is really fucking annoying. Yes, I see that the actor just did that, you don’t need to tell me.”
I never thought it happened to anyone else! Happened to me in Montreal few years ago.
Went to the Bell centre to watch the Habs, get drunk, and then back at the hotel, Apollo 13 was on tv. Classic Tom hanks movie so I had to watch the Whole thing.
It had narration mode turned on…. In French. The most confusing movie I’ve ever watched. And I’ve seen Apollo 13 a dozen times.
How is no one mentioning why there are two versions of a movie only differing in soundtrack…? Seems bizarre to me
A lot of TV shows had their music replaced when they went to streaming because of song licensing crap, so it wasn’t super surprising that it happened to a movie too.
NBC and owners of scrubs were the worst for it. Scrubs had an iconic soundtrack that picked songs for the exact mood of the story, but then licenses expired and they just chose cheaper songs. I don’t care how much it costs, when “I will try to fix you” comes on I immediately start tearing up.
This is why I have it pirated, as you say the soundtrack is a huge part of that show, just rewatched it again recently and I don’t even want to know what the streaming version is like.
It would absolutely be surprising if you’ve never heard of that, which I hadn’t.
Music licensing is a nightmare. Music licensing across international borders is a ridiculous surrealist nightmare from which you can never wake; if you should ever want to enter into such endeavors find the nearest cliff and try to fly as that will be a less painful adventure more likely to find success.