61 points
This is bullshit, it defined but didn’t even use the continuous functions 🍇and 🍍.
26 points
4 points
50 points
🍊 isnt a metric dumbass, its an orange
24 points
12 points
4 points
4 points
4 points
34 points
“sup” without a “\” belongs-to-set symbol \[ and \]
scrödinger’s TeX
33 points
Its probably reasonable to say that 25% of math majors cant solve this, therefore non-math majors aren’t people
15 points
Look at this shmuck, using the supremum of a continuous function on a closed interval when it clearly achieves a maximum. I bet they’ll feel real embarrassed about that one when they’re falling asleep years from now.
4 points
Christ, it’s like people just don’t even give a fuck about the extreme value theorem anymore?
2 points