Solar freakin roadways
Not freakin again.
In fairness, road traffic is orders of magnitude more destructive than foot traffic.
in fairness to being fair, there have been multiple attempts, and every single time the results are extremely clear. Building an elevated solar shade using solar panels to both generate power, and cool down the walking/biking path. Is both more effective, and more practical.
Can’t they just make it a roof?
For fuck sake!
Put solar on roofs, not where people walk/drive!
Can we please stop wasting resources on this shit?
The image of benches shading the panels really says all you need to know.
Literally just put them 2 and a half meters higher so they provide shade for sitting on the bench instead of people shading the panels.
This depends on what you’re optimizing for. If you are optimizing for total energy captured per square metre, then you’re right about the benches.
But suppose you have a sufficient flux even with some areas being covered so you aren’t bothered by the shadows. Wouldn’t it be aesthetically superior to have uniform tile types? Or would you prefer they micromanage the tile placement such that the tiles below the bench shadows are different?
Anyway, I think it is a good idea. Better than the silly solar roadways crap.
When are they going to learn that solar roads are never going to be practical?
PV Magazine is more or less an outlet for press releases by companies trying to innovate (often in air quotes) with photovoltaics. I’m honestly not even sure why it’s allowed here; it’s completely uncritical. May as well cite a press release on the manufacturer’s website at that point instead of laundering it through a magazine.