Here’s the direct YouTube link, though the latest issue of the accompanying comic can only be found on the official website.
It’s really too bad the writing isn’t as good as the animation, voice acting, and sound design for these.
This one had a couple of turns of phrase that smacked of an inexperienced Trek writer: Riker introduced himself as “Commanding officer William Riker” (rather than “Commander” or “First Officer”), and Crusher called him “Bill” rather than “Will”.
On the bright side, I can rationalise these as evidence that this is far from a canon story. 🤣
The Bill thing at least is a joke about TNG season 1 - they had Troi call him Bill and it was in the early series bible that Picard would call him William and he would be called Bill by “close female friends.” I hate these shorts (although I’m glad they exist for the animation, at least), but that was a pretty funny callback.
I actually found this one amusing, but that may be because of the better voice work.
Of all the episodes so far, this was certainly one of them.