I have yet to play the new season, but have been hearing it’s been called “the worst patch in ARPG history,” and wanted to know if this is the general consensus.
Got up to 50 and so far it feels about the same but I know for a fact that these nerfs targetted deep endgame builds relying on the stacking interaction between many legendary aspects and also the nerfed stats like vuln damage, crit damage, etc.
Withholding my judgement until I get into the high level nightmare dungeons, but so far I’m having a good time.
It’s outrage for the sake of outrage. I read the patch notes and the reaction to them in various places and had a general negative vibe about the game going into the season. However, then I decided it’s probably best to form my own opinion by actually playing the game, which I did all weekend and… It’s fine, at least from my perspective.
I specifically only made and played 1 character since launch and held out on creating a new character until the season started. So really, it just gave me an excuse to play more and try a new class. I think people who’ve played multiple characters into endgame content may be upset with the lack of content, but as with most games, if you invest abnormal amounts of hours into it you’re going to run out of things to do at some point and as a more casual player I don’t need to really worry about that.
Regarding nerfs, I’m playing a druid and did the Fallen Temple capstone last night at level 58. I feel plenty powerful. It’s harder to farm 4 mystery chests in Helltides but I’m completely fine with that as mystery chests never really seemed worth it to me anyways – I can get more legendaries from just running NM dungeons.
Overall, no, it’s not that bad. If you have been having fun with the game previous to the patch you will likely continue to have fun.
Games fine. This is nowhere close to even the biggest nerf in ARPG history (PoE easily claims that title), much less “the worst patch in ARPG history.”
People shit on D4 because shitting on Blizzard is an easy way to garner views. That’s the whole story, right there.
diablo sucks. blizzard is trash
y’all in an abusive relationship that allows a terrible company to continue. please consider how much this game actually blows and how much better it should be
It’s bad but not that bad. It’s just boring, slow, and there’s not much to do.
The nerfs affected everyone across the bored in a way that just slows down game play that already existed since launch. The hearts help speed things back up, very slightly, but you find your 3 and you’re done with that season mechanic for the most part.
New uniques feel lack luster at best, glitchy and non-functioning as intended at worst.
More weird bugs…
Nothing new was really added content wise, you do the new short story campaign and you’re done with it.
It’s like they just wanted to slow the game down just to slow the game down. It’s no more difficult than before, everything just takes longer. Just feels meh overall.
I’d say it’s the most boring season of any seasonal ARPG (outside of just normal ladder rest seasons).
Still a fine game if you just want a Diablo game to play.