It’s called Ohrwurm. Go cyberfuck yourself, smegma mine dwarf.
Nice to see Musk having some real wholesome inspirations.
What’s next, recreating Torment Nexus from the famous novel “Don’t Create Torment Nexus”? Though Elon brain chips is already Torment Nexus for all the monkeys who lived and died in insane pain in the development process.
If it plays music, it will play adverts
Contrary to headphones that streams music to my feet.
Even if you wanted some proprietary tech installed in your body, it seems like such a terrible idea. What happens when the thing is obsolete? What happens if there is a bug? What happens when Elons team didn’t consider some edge case or basic engineering principles? What is to prevent them from doing something unethical once it is installed?
Stay out of my brain, thank you very much.