I watched it and now I’m chilling
Rode off on a citibike too
There was a biking bank robber that was quite successful for a while, apparently riding a bike makes you pretty much invisible in a city.
Based on how well executed this seems to be, I doubt the shooter used any traceable payments or anything, but time will tell.
Lmao not sure if the same guy but that happened in my city. He was never caught.
The one I know of got caught eventually, but did 26 successful heists. https://www.welovecycling.com/wide/2019/10/24/this-olympic-hopeful-used-his-bike-to-rob-26-banks/
shit you got more on that? I always wondered whether a bicycle would make a good getaway vehicle on accounts of cops are too carbrained to understand how it can move or how to even tell them apart.
An e bike that can hit 15-20 mph with in a few pedals is probably the best escape vehicle in a city.
eventually got caught though
What I’m learning here is if you don’t do it on a bright orange custom frame with a 50 units / year production line you could basically do this forever
and some people said the hitman didnt have a reason
I fucking love this site
Best news in a long time. Hopefully more of these parasite killers get offed
Hopefully more of these parasite killers get offed
the parasite killer is still alive tho?
The dude was a profesional, 100% its was a hit on him
Either a pro or the dude was a vet, like a vet who saw actual combat. He’s def used a gun before, I don’t think some disgruntled rando could walk off that calmly after shooting a guy three times.
If it’s a hitman I’m dying to know what for. This story has the potential to be soooo juicy. Please please please blow the lid off some major racketing shit ceos are in on.
I think he was using a slide lock pistol, with a silencer that’s the closest you can get to a quiet gun.
So, I don't think its a 'slide lock' pistol, and here's why:
I’m pretty sure they don’t exist.
Perhaps you or someone else is aware of modern, magazine fed pistols which intentionally fire to a slide lock state with each shot, but afaik, that only ever happens with a faulty, malfunctioning semi-automatic handgun.
Usually you have to intentionally draw the slide back and then engage a slide lock, for all but the final round in the magazine.
A handgun that is designed, intentionally, to slide lock on each shot, despite having a magazine, seems very silly to me.
It would functionally be a single action, non semi-auto weapon, akin to a single action revolver that requires you to pull the hammer back before each shot.
Only benefit I can think of is that you control when spent casings are ejected… but this guy doesn’t grab his brass, so he’s not making use of that.
Further, having the slide lock to an open position does not make the gunshot any quieter.
How could it?
The gasses and spent casing would eject from the ejection port as the slide moves to the locked back position.
Not sure where you got this idea.
What I think is happening actually happening is that he’s using subsonic ammunition in a normal semi-auto handgun, with a threaded barrel and supressor.
Subsonic ammo exists for many common firearm calibers, it usually has a significantly lower grain (less gunpowder).
Benefit of this is that the gunshot is much quieter…
Downside is, depending on your weapon/ammo combination, this may not provide enough actual explosive force in the chamber to actually cycle a semi-auto action, so you have to work the action (in this case, the slide) yourself each time.
(That and your effective range, accuracy and velocity are reduced, but thats usually not a problem for point blank situations like this.)
After watching the extremely low quality video several times, I think this is actually what is occuring.
The slide does not appear to stay locked back after firing, for any of the shots.
For every shot, he has to fully cycle the slide, often multiple times, reaching down toward a pistol whose slide does not appear to be extended.
This behavior is quite commonplace when using subsonic rounds in a modern handgun.
From the size of the gun, it’s so small that it might not even be 9mm.
It could be .38, maybe even .22?
He racks the slide immediately after the first shot so it does appear he’s running a manual action set up (either a manual action gun or just a standard semi auto and working the slide each time).
After the second shot he appears to have some trouble but he calmly fixes it and I can’t tell if he shoots a third time or is satisfied the guy is allready dead.
I don’t know if it was a hit, he had written Deny, Defend and Depose on the shellcasings https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-shot-chest-midtown-manhattan-masked-gunman-large/story?id=116446382