show transcript
screenshot of two comic panels by murderofsomeone on tumblr. first panel: three mostly featureless cartoon characters drawn on microsoft paint. one is strapped to an operating table while an evil death laser charges at them with the words “evil death laser” written on it. in the middle one of the characters looks over to the guy on the table shrugging while the third guy is pulling the lever to the evil death laser. the middle character’s dialogue reads: “I dunno buddy this seems like a complicated issue and I don’t wanna take sides or anything”. second panel: the position of the three characters is exactly the same as the previous image, only the other two characters speak as well. the first character’s dialogue reads: “he is trying to kill me” the third character’s dialogue reads: “I am trying to kill them” and the middle character’s dialogue reads: “I think it’s more nuanced than that”. below the screenshots it reads “my new comic called neutral ass bitch”
transcript by anarchistmemecollective on tumblr
if he was truly neutral he would take the guys word this guy is a “skeptical ass bitch”
I’m sure we can find a middle ground, not wanting to die is selfish
That guy strapped to the death machine crossed a red light once!
It obviously is more nuanced than that, but the nuances don’t make it any better.
I don’t know. The egg prices are high though.
Common argument among the alt right and right-extremist for voting for fascists: but food expensive, old party bad