Man Found Guilty of Child Porn, Because He Ran a Tor Exit Node::undefined
This is insane! It’s like prosecuting a postman for delivering child porn content to a customer.
Sorry I am not very techy, can someone eli5 what is an exit node? What is the point of running an exit node? Should the user have known his exit node (not sure if i am using the term right) could be used for cp?
if you join the tor network other tor users proxy their trafic through a chain of tor users and therefore maybe though you, sometimes youre the exit node that then actually sends the request to the server in question, sometimes you just pass it on to another tor user.
so the person in the OP did technically send the reques to the server that served CP, but he didnt really have anything to do with it nor could he have even accessed the data.
I read in one of VPS rental service Discord that someone rented a VPS to run tor exit node and HDDs of the server were confiscated without prior notice.
AFAIK you should never run one on your personal IP
Edit, wasn’t a personal IP. I mistook it when I read his apartment got raided. Advice still stands tho.
There will still be a trail. Even if you’re renting a server. Who’s CC is on file? Unless you want to waste your time buying prepaid visas. And even at that, they could track it to the retailer and find out which CC was used to order that. And even if you went in person, there’s likely video footage. Etc etc etc. It’s incredibly hard to remain hidden nowadays.