To be able to make such choice implies that I already exist in some form.
And I’d probably be too afraid of non-existence to choose not being born.
Life sucks, but I also don’t want to “not-exist”. Its terrifying.
Can I just be a ghost floating around and just “chill” and observe? Perhaps in the company of other ghosts to talk to…
Yeah, I didn’t exist for billions of years and I’m fine…ish. idk what happens after though
This was my immediate thought also, whatever part of me that is making the decision already exists so this is the same question as “would you want to stop existing now?” the answer to which is an emphatic “no.” I’d exist indefinitely given the choice.
Certainly not.
Just because things haven’t been great so far doesn’t mean they won’t be better in the future. I hope you are able to improve your life into something you want to experience.
A. Even with how shit the world is there’s enough good that exists for it to be worth it.
B. If I didn’t exist, I would never have a chance to help improve the world in my small way.
Same view but I also have had it pretty good. Great family and support, passed that on to my kids, and I’ve had a lot of support with great teachers through my years so now I pass that on to those less fortunate and it just does it for me. It’s a great feeling helping others.
Here’s your Christmas advice kids: care about other people, nothing else will actually fulfill you.
No. And thats the reason i don’t have kids.
Humanity is rotten, and personally i don’t think we’ll ever change. The best thing that can happen to earth is for humanity to collapse and become extinct.