The original Enterprise definitely had bathrooms.
One poop removal, please
LaForge: Goddamn it, Riker, stop pooping in my Jefferies Tubes!
“You can’t prove it’s me.”
“Did you know that when you lose your sight your other senses become heightened? I can tell it’s you, and I’m telling you you need to go to sickbay.”
“I’m telling you it wasn’t me, Geordi!”
“The last one had a note scrawled on the wall next to it which said ‘FIRST OFFICER’S LOG’.”
“That’s pretty funny, right?”
“I’m putting in for a transfer.”
And here’s me about two hours away from my copy of the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual to debunk this obvious joke with a picture of all the architectural diagrams where it calls out places where one might find a head, including, IIRC, the Ready Room, of which I imagine Riker probably avails himself on the regular.
Why yes, I am fun at parties…
Riker’s toilet would be placed right in the middle of a room … so that he could walk up to it, swing his leg over and sit down
The Riker Maneuver