On a Xbox controller, do you use just your index finger to alternate between LB and L and RB and R? Or do you use your index and middle fingers placed respectively on each individual trigger? Or do you have a completely different setup?
Likewise with PlayStation’s control scheme annd its respective control scheme and controllers with similar layouts with 4 triggers.
Personally I use just my index fingers to alternate between these but I’m realizing how inefficient this seems when I look at the controller scheme. Seems more like it would be more beneficial to use middle and index fingers but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone use that? But maybe some people do? Was curious if any others out there did or knew of others who do.
This is for my steamdeck which has a similar setup. I find it is game dependent. If I don’t have to use them in tandem I tend to just use the index and move it back and forth. Some content I have to use it a bit in tandem like in cyberpunk if you are in car combat acceleration is right trigger and fire weapon is right bumper. In that case I use the index and middle. It does not happen to often so I do have to get my mind setup for playing that way while in the content.
I use a PS4 controller and I have my index fingers on L1/R1 bumpers and my middle fingers on L2/R2 triggers.
I used to be an index fingers only guy, until Returnal. You really need fingers directly on like 5 actions at all times to keep up with the action sometimes. So now I use index and middle when the game calls for it.
I’ll have to see what that’s about. It seems you’re the first here to say you’ve done it with all 4 fingers. Sounds like an intense game.
Just index fingers. And this actually means I hurt my second joint on the middle finger as it rubs where I tuck it under the controller. But I can’t unlearn this position now. I have a kind of callous there which is really painful - ordered a new controller but it made it worse so now I’m trying a super small controller instead.