I’ll let you know how it goes
As a DC fan of course the ending was not what I was looking for. But as a movie, I think it was okay. The end seemed rushed, like they realized they had a 4-hour movie on their hands and had to finish it now. I didn’t quite get the motivation or the conflict that led Arthur to claiming his identity and taking blame in the end.
I like it from a filmography point of view, musical choices are great, the fantasy life of Arthur Fleck was fleshed out well and made sense of the narrative. 6.5-7 out of 10, and I think the director or writer whatever he was is very talented and is going to have a lot of future. But no this will not be a director for DC comics.
I also wondered, is Lee dead after the phone message and he just fantasies the rest? I’m guessing the director left that up to interpretation.
Sorry, but if you’re posting on social media instead of watching the movie, is it really a good movie?
See you at the end.
Make sure all reviews are set to music!
It’s a good movie. Don’t know why it was so panned.
“Critically panned” means to receive a poor critical response. I tried looking for the etymology, but couldn’t find anything convincing… It seems to have started as something to do with panning for gold (i.e. using a literal pan to sift through dirt looking for gold flakes), but I can’t see where that shifted from “looking for small bits of good in mostly dirt” to “this straight up sucks”.
Lowest-effort comment ever. A single character.
A dictionary’s a thing. Looking it up may require typing a second letter - and then a third! - but it’s good practice.
Quentin Tarantino liked it. John Waters liked it.
I respect the opinion of those two legendary film makers over any amount of loud mouth social media shitstorm enablers who got their knickers twisted because the movie didn’t conform to their idea of a sequel.
It is a good movie. And I’m tired of pretending it’s not.