I didn’t play any Zelda since Ocarina of Time which I loved. I was expecting to have the same feeling in BOTW but I just can’t get into it.
After a few time into it I feel lost. I know that I have to go to some dungeon in the mountains but I just can’t because the character is freezing to death. I cannot afford spending hours randomly exploring the map, relying on luck to discover which mechanic protects agains the cold. There is no guidance except for the fact that there is a dungeon to explore.
I looted a nice sword but after very few encounters it broke in the middle of a fight. Weapons being so fragile just do not make sense, maybe some people appreciate that but knowing that whatever looted is going to be destroyed just make me want to stop playing.
If anyone felt the same, did it click at some point into the game ?
Sounds like you’re still at the Great plateau which is just the tutorial area of the game basically. You can watch a few videos on YouTube to find the easy way to get past it. The weapon breaking mechanic is really annoying at first but eventually you’ll realize that they did it so that you can enjoy all the variety of weapons in the game without having a hundred things in your stash. Exploration is one of the most enjoyable parts of this game so try to look around for the old man and he will help you.
This. I also remember being overwhelmed at the Great plateau, but I’m hindsight, it’s just a simple tutorial…
It just kind of sucks because there isn’t really any guidance. The key is to talk to the old man and read the book in his hut.
At the risk of almost spoiling it… they are trying to teach you the cooking mechanism, which is quite important in the game, but has quite a learning curve.
Once you get out of the great plateau, then the game really starts and boy is it big. Just enjoy the scenery and don’t get too focussed on quickly completing it.
I kind of regret rushing the game the first play through.
Eventually I played through it multiple times. It’s really, really good. But it does take a lot of time!
Sounds like it’s not the game for you. Overcoming environmental challenges is kind of the name of the game, and if the baseline “cold bad but fire hot” thing isn’t something you enjoy then I’m not sure you would enjoy trying to navigate any of the main story areas in the game.
Right? This is the first time ive heard a complaint about not being able to solve the weather problem. How much of a problem would the rest of the game be if you cant solve this.
It’s one thing to not want open world/environmental stuff in a Zelda game, but this sounds like someone got high and couldn’t focus lol
It did finally click for me, but it took well over a year. Someone told me to play for a couple weeks with no goals, and that finally made it happen. I didn’t put it down for another hundred hours.
I wanted to like this game but the story was just so uninteresting to me that I had to put it down. I know not everyone is like me but as someone who adored the stories in oot and majoras mask, I couldn’t do it man.
Hahaha tooootally fair. Both BotW and TotK were story snoozefests for me, but I thought the gameplay was great (withdoubledurabilitymodinBotW)
I loved the story in OOT, never got into Mask.
Yeah TOTK story was better in that you’re unraveling a mystery instead of just seeing stuff that already happened. Technically the stuff in TOTK also “already happened”, and mechanically it’s pretty much identical, but imo the way it’s framed makes it much more interesting and compelling. I think the key is you’re seeing these events in order to uncover new information, whereas BOTWs flashbacks didn’t really give you any useful information, just filled in the details of a story you already had the cliff notes for.
Agreed fully that TotK story is much much better that BotW.
I went straight from BotW to Elden Ring though, so they took my score down. Elden’s gameplay, story, and world are unmatched by any other open-world game. The world is so full and flush and ALIVE. There’s oodles of empty space in the open-world Zelda games, and there’s so few enemy types. I still love the games, but as a late late Elden Ring adopter, I have a new impossible standard for a world… that’s open.
Not sure if this helps you, but there are some really good mods that reduce or eliminate some of the irritating gimmicks in the game. I played with a double weapon durability mod that makes the game feel way better.