Keighin has confirmed publicly that he is aware of this lawsuit, even going so far as talking with a local news reporter from 9NEWS in his hometown. Following the subsequent publication of this 9NEWS report, it’s noted that Keighin did then start to delete “a substantial amount of his online posts relevant to this suit”.
Wow, the dude’s speedrunning an obstruction charge. I’m pretty sure destruction of evidence is a crime even for civil suits.
Screw this guy, and screw Nintendo’s lawyers as well.
Clickbait trash. He’s been avoiding getting served for a few weeks, and soon the court will allow to serve his mom instead, and nothing has been achieved. Hooray.
Eh, him going on the news talking about it will likely stand as evidence that he knows he’s being summoned.
I thought you have to be able to read the full summons to be legally considered as received. Not too familiar with US law though.
Where I’m from there’s a way of a public delivery if someone absconded, by posting it on the black board of the local city hall of someone’s current registered address for 4 weeks or something.
If they failed to change the registered address they’d also be committing a federal crime, so if they were to contest the lawful delivery, they’d admit another offense, landing them in jail where they could then be successfully served. So that would at best reset the timer at the expense of a felony.
I’m no expert on the process, but I’m pretty sure as long as the process server can attest that the papers were produced to the person being summoned. You don’t have to read it at all… The process server can just drop them in front of you and say “You’ve been served”.
I know that if you can’t be found alternate mechanisms exists, but usually requires attempting to exhaust all other avenues.
But the dude literally outright told the news he knows about it. I’m pretty sure that would be more than sufficient for the court to state that whatever mechanism they used to serve him was sufficient since he knew about it.
This is not a “win”
This dude is literally from my town. What a king
Why do people keep mucking with Nintendo when they know what Nintendo are like. Just ignore them and their games.
They’ve all been on piratebay for over ten damn years already.
SNES NES Gameboy Gameboy color GBA N64
There they are. Seeders, a’plenty.
I get that. Warez aren’t for everyone. Dealing with cracks, possible malware, or a program that might phone home when you don’t want it to. Some might be willing to take the risk, others just want legit copies they can play when they want. The fucked up thing is that we shouldn’t need warez for abandonware.